Moving to a New Blog Space
I know, I's a mess over in my old blog. I'm so SORRY!!!!! Spammers have killed my blog, ladies. That lovely place we've had fun in for so long, our fun party that we were continuing into March--DEAD, because some teenager somwhere decided to get his jollies killing my host's server. Ask me how I really feel...
Am working with my tech person even as I type. Please be patient, and let's have our Carpe Demon chat out here on Monday!!!!!
In the meantime, let's spend today chatting about how much we HATE spammers!!!! All comments and sympathy welcome. ARgh!!!!!!
Bookmark this new page and keep coming back for more fun. We'll be on the mend and doing our thing again next week, promise!!!
Am working with my tech person even as I type. Please be patient, and let's have our Carpe Demon chat out here on Monday!!!!!
In the meantime, let's spend today chatting about how much we HATE spammers!!!! All comments and sympathy welcome. ARgh!!!!!!
Bookmark this new page and keep coming back for more fun. We'll be on the mend and doing our thing again next week, promise!!!
At 11:37 AM,
Anna Destefano said…
Can you believe it!!!
We create a lovely little world of fun and inspiraton and support and we're even getting lovely guests to come out and play...and someone has to come over and poot all over it.
Can't belive the timing...I'm feeling less than karm's-friend today. May need to go buy a purse ;O)
Actually I need a really big hug. Can't wait 'til my son gets home from school.
Someone tell a joke!!
I think we need Holly back out here for some more fun, huh!
At 11:40 AM,
Nicole said…
Oh, that just stinks! Blogger has some decent anti-spam stuff, though, so I think you should be set now.
At 11:41 AM,
robynl said…
Yes, thanks for the reply to my e-mail Anna; I couldn't figure out what had happened. As I said, I was getting withdrawal symptoms already!!! Upward and onward we go.
At 11:47 AM,
Trish Milburn said…
I just wish these spammers and hackers and virus writers would just GET A LIFE! But welcome to Blogspot, Anna. I'll change the link on my blog to reflect the change in your blog address.
At 11:48 AM,
Anna Destefano said…
I think I need to take on my alternate personality today--created out on the Novel Talk chats I do.
I wanted to have a handle like eveyrone else, and the group decided on Buttercup--the brunette Power Puff girl.
I need to be able to smack some sonic K-BAMs and POWs on the heads of the evil spammers. Then I need to go home and hug the professor and take a sparkly bubble bath ;O)
So, Buttercup it is today...
Am feeling better already ;O)
At 12:24 PM,
Jennifer Y. said…
Thanks for letting us know. I HATE Spammers!!! I don't know what I'd do without my daily Anna Blog fix....LOL!!!
Hugs Buttercup!
Jennifer Yates
At 1:19 PM,
tastefully yours said…
I am so sorry for your headaches. I hate spammers! Regardless of what I do to my email they always seem to get through.
We will get through this together though just hand in there.
At 1:33 PM,
Kara Lennox said…
Anna, your new blog is beautiful. Sorry about the spammers. I had similar problems on my blog at Bravenet until I started using the character recognition thingy (where commenters have to type in four characters they see before they can post) and it worked wonders. Not that my spammers killed my server, but they made life unpleasant.
At 1:51 PM,
Maureen said…
I can't tell you how many hours I've spent when viruses have attacked our computer. Even with viurs protection things get onto the computer. I think it should be a crime to spread a virus around. It destroys our computers and wastes our time because some idiot wanted to see what damage he/she could cause.
At 4:10 PM,
Anna Destefano said…
LOL Billie Jo!!
Thanks,everyone for the support and company. I took a few Buttercup hours off and am feeling more the thing.
Plus, I just received my print-out of my July book--The Prodigal's Return. I'ts going to be soooooo amazing. Can't wait to share it you guys ;O)
Let's see...what can we do to get the giggles started again. Holly's not here, so let's see...Let's talk about SPAM!!! Not the cyber kind, but the kind our parents made us eat as kids.
Or was that just me. Granted I'm from a military family, and I think my dad lived off the stuff when he was away on TDY in the airforce, but he could cook a mean bit of SPAM in his day. Used to fry it up for breakfast with hashbrowns and some scrambled eggs. I kinda liked it, even, after I said ooooooh and was told to eat or not, but that's what was for breakfast, LOL!!!
Anyone else forced to eat that lovely canned wonder as a child?
Ayone else liking the symbolism of chowing down on a few spam monsters tongiht? I'll bring the wine (or will it be WHINE???).
At 4:27 PM,
Jennifer Y. said…
I must say that I never had to eat SPAM...and I think that is a good thing too!
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you'll be happier with blogspot. That's where I have my blog. You'll get spam, but you can reduce it by enabling the feature that requires posters to type in the characters (kind of as Yahoo! groups use).
By the way, I've started The Runaway Daughter and love it! Had no idea it was so connected to The Unknown Daughter.
At 5:12 PM,
Anna Destefano said…
Yeah, Jennifer, SPAM's like 100% saturated fat...defintely good for the military men fighting the elements, not so good for those of us not burning thousands of calories a day, huh?
I'm so glad you're liking TRD--wish my publsher had done more to clearly link it back to my first book in the packaging. The wanted it to stand on its own, and it does, beautifully, I think. I've received a good bit of email asking for a copy of the first book, which is getting harder to find...
Sigh, maybe one day I'll be reprinted...a girls gotta dream, right!
At 5:54 PM,
Anna Destefano said…
Testing out the new word verification--thanks for telling me about it Cheryll.
Eveyone, let me know if it's a pain. And if it is...let's all blame Cheryll! LOL!!
Just kidding. I LOVE having blogspot buddies to show me around out here. I know several of our posters have their own "spots." If you see anything else I need to know, pass it on!!
At 6:48 PM,
Jennifer Y. said…
Wouldn't it be neat Anna if they someday released The Unknown Daughter, The Runaway Daughter, and the upcoming book for Maggie together in one BIG book or package? LOL...probably not possible or practical...but I know those who want to read the first one might have difficulties finding it.
-Jennifer Yates
At 7:16 PM,
Cinthia Hamer said…
Hi Anna--
So sorry your other blog got all gunched up with spam. Ugh! Nasty stuff. I say we hunt them down and allow anyone who's inclined have a whack at them.
But, I'm glad you're over here at Blogspot to keep me company. :) Come say hello now that you know where I live!
See you on the 25th!
At 8:02 PM,
jennyowl said…
Sorry that your blog was sabotaged by spammers. Blogspot is wonderful though and I like the new address as it's easier to remember. Here's to auspicious new beginnings!
At 9:34 PM,
Angie-la said…
I wondered what was going on. I hate that all our posts were lost. But lets just look at this like a new beginning.
And, hey! Now you have an excuse to buy a new purse! (not that anyone really needs an excuse to do that!! :0) !!!
We will just take a deep breath, cleansing and move on! And remember, instant karma's gonna get 'em!!
At 7:56 AM,
Dena said…
Hi Anna, I was new to your blog and really enjoy all of the inspiration and great info you provide as well as a good place to visit and chat. So hearing about your spam problem isn't surprising,they get a kick out of ruining a good thing for there own profit.Then theres the evil hackers,I guess there so unhappy with their lives they want to make others unhappy too.I am glad you are here now a few of my other fav authors use this site and it seems to work out great. By the way I've wanted to say before how much I think you look like this designer Franzella on this show called IN A FIX,its on TLC and discovery channel. Anyways lets hope all the wicked spammies get spammed themselves,lol.
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