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Friday, May 08, 2009

Another Contest (someone stop me!), more RT news, and Happy Mother's Day!!!

Check out my Dark Legacy contest over on Fresh Fiction. Enter anytime this month!

News Flash: Romantic Times is doing a "Behind the Scenes" Dark Legacy spotlight, talking all things dream theory and other fun stuff that went into my research for writing psychic paranormal suspense. Did you ever wonder where I got the idea to weaponize lucid darydreams??? I'll let you know which issue to look for all the 411.

This just in...I'll be guest blogging on RomanceB(uy)TheBlog in August, to kick off my Dark Legacy blog book tour. Michelle Buonfiglio's site is such a haven for all who love to read and write romance--I'm thrilled!!!

Go check her out, especially if you've never been to her blog before.

I hear Michelle and Lori Foster have something fun cooking for next week (I'll poke you again in the 12th...that's all the dish I can give for now ;o) When I have a launch date, I'll report back. I'm working this to line up my other appearances--any blog or review site favorites? Let me know!

And for Mother's Day, me and my guys are off to the North Georgia mountians. Remember this place? It's becoming our Mother's day tradition. Can't wait to unwind and play in all that beautiful green... Have a great holiday weekend, everyone!!!

Oh, and of course, a few more hunky guys below ;o)
The last shot from the vampire ball just might be my favorite!!!

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