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Thursday, February 22, 2007

When it's golden outside, breathe deeply

The weather has turned golden in Atlanta. Our windows are open, the birds are singing like it's Spring outside, and even some of the fruit trees have burst into bloom. Did I mention the highs were in the low thirties less than a week ago? I know we'll deep-freeze again one of these days. But today is the type of day best spent outside, breathing in the gentle breeze and letting everything inside loosen up just a little.

Some days, we have no choice but to focus on the colder things in life. The things we must cover up and protect ourselves from to survive. Weather patterns we have to prepare for, so we're ready to deal with whatever might happen. When we're gifted with a golden day, it can be tempting to let it pass us by, because we're so wrapped up in getting ready for the next time the temperature dips.

But you have to breathe in the golden light when you have it, my friends. For just a momoent, stop all that hard work you do so well, and take in the beauty of what's right there in front of you. Yes, it's good to be prepared. Hard work is how we get where we need to go next. But sometimes, you need to take in now, and realize how wonderful what you have already is.

Another glimmer of gold in my week??? I heard yesterday that I'm a double finalist in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence--both The Runaway Daughter and The Prodigal's Return are moving on to the final round!!!


Okay, enough listening to the trees rustling in the wind. Back to work for me. But look! Isn't the sunset gorgeous!!!

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  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger ThatBrunette said…

    You have such a positive outlook on life. I think it is a bit contageous... :-)

  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger Anna Destefano said…

    I don't know about that, thatbrunette. I talking to myself a lot or the time, as much as I am my online friends. But I LOVE the contageous part--you guys are good for me. I'm always looking for something new to share, and that makes me dig deeper. So, I guess you're contageous right back, lol!!!

  • At 8:48 AM, Blogger CrystalGB said…

    Congratulations Anna on being a double finalist in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.
    Hope you win. :)

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jennifer Y. said…

    Congratulations on being a double finalist! Good luck!

    The weather here in Georgia has been beautiful, but a bit wacky...one week freezing, the next hot.

  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger Zoesgarden said…

    Hi Anna! I saw your blog link and couldn't resist, having been a part of GRW before moving down to Florida....financial neccesity...only to discover health issues with my dad. Got back on the bandwagon thanks to Mary Barfield! YEAH! And hoping to stay in touch with my former buds. Do I understand that you are prez now? Congrats on the awards!!! Blog page looks GREAT!!! I'm really proud of you. You're SMOKIN'!!!!

  • At 6:38 PM, Blogger ThatBrunette said…

    It is truly your attitude that is the positive one. You didn't say that the weather was nice in Atlanta, you said it turned golden. You are a glass half full and are willing to share it with all your friends kind of person!

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger catslady said…

    Big congratulations and I wanted to let you know I just finished The Prodigal's Return and really enjoyed it. Thanks for a great read.

  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Dana Pollard said…

    Congrats on finaling!!!

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Kathleen said…

    Gorgeous photos on this blog!

    Big congrats on your success!


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