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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Saving time in a bottle...

The days are still flying by so fast, with so much to do... But I'm loving all the "do" that's not heads-down writing right now. So much family stuff to catch up, then there's the business admin that falls by the way when the books take over.

So tonight, it's short but sweet for us, my friends ;O) Our winner of the great RWA bag and Harleqin books... is Sharon, who left a comment in the Sept. 12th post. Email me your snail mail address, and next week your goodies will be on their way.

Tomorrow, I plan to include a pic of our next bag of goodies that a busy writer can't use, but how could I leave such wonderful stuff behind at the RWA conference, when there are so many great friends out here who'd enjoy them??? So check back in. There are hard backs in this one ;o)

Then, there's all the website stuff, still...I'm going to get there. I really am!! In the mean time, this is what I try to visualize when I close my eyes in frustration, because I'm still behind...lots of cool, beautiful snow and sky...lots of space and freedom...wanna go with me ;O)

Thanks for hanging with me while I get caught up!!!

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  • At 12:41 AM, Blogger Fannie said…

    It's not a problem hanging with you. You have the best blog, books and goodies anywhere. Love the picture. Makes me want to drag out the cold weather stuff. I finally got to read The Prodigal's Return and as usual what a great book. I am really looking forward to All American Father. I know I won't be disappointed with it. Have a great day and Hugs from NC. Oh by the way, I sure would like to win some goodies. They are fantastic.

  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger Estella said…

    Congrats Sharon. I know the feeling of the faster I go the behinder I get, Anna.

  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger Jennifer Y. said…

    Congrats Sharon.

    Lovely picture Anna.

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger tastefully yours said…

    Congrats Sharon! I love the beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing!

  • At 11:58 PM, Blogger robynl said…

    Way to go Sharon.
    I, too, feel that it is almost time for 'hot chocolate' time(being the weather is drizzly, dull and windy.

  • At 9:02 AM, Blogger Carol M said…

    Congratulations Sharon!

    The picture is beautiful!


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