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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sherri Kenyon Gets Her Groove on!!!

You should go to a reader luncheon one of these days, if you've never been. Authors are so much fun, and they L-O-V-E to hang with fans. Check out Sherri Kenyon at Georgia Romance Writers' reader luncheon a few weekends ago--she and the devil had a blast, LOL!!!

There's also the matter of great goodie bags and prizes. Here's some of the GRW loot, with a few of the books pulled out to show off.

Guess what--it's my next blog prize, so leave a comment and some time next week I'll announce a winner!!

More shots of authors and booksellers--next time, you could join us and dance the night away, too.

Actually, I'll be at the Birmingham reader luncheon on November 4th--if you're in the area, sign up and come hang with us. Here's the info: (http://www.southernmagic.org/smrl2006.html)

As usually, I gave away a great prize to one lucky reader. This time, it was another of the suede Coach purses I auctioned off on Brenda Novak's juvenile diabetes auction earlier this year. Here's the winner

And here's one more shot of Sherri. She was the highlight of the weekend, just ask her fans and loyal booksellers ;O)

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  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger catslady said…

    If you ever make it to Pittsburgh...:)

    Great prize as usual.

  • At 8:55 PM, Blogger Jeanette J said…

    Love the pics and thanks for the chance for another great prize

  • At 9:58 PM, Blogger Shannon said…

    The prizes look awesome! Have a great week!


  • At 10:00 PM, Blogger Fannie said…

    Looks like you authors know how to party.I have go to make one of your conferences and enjoy the fun first hand. I am really pleased to have a chance to win another great prize. You have the neatest stuff. Have a great evening and Hugs to all.

  • At 3:55 AM, Blogger Minna said…

    Those pics are just lovely!

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger CrystalGB said…

    Great pictures. Looks like a great event.
    What a wonderful prize.

  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said…


    I love the pictures! Hmm, the devil is a woman, who knew? :) I love the whimsical bag, and as always the books are terrific! Thanks for sharing the experience with us!
    Hugs, Zara

  • At 10:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Great pics. Looks like everyone had a great time. So wish I could go to one of the events like that.

  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger ThatBrunette said…

    You have the grooviest prizes! I would love to go to *your* reader luncheon. Hey, don't forget to post about Project Runway. It's one of my guilty pleasures and I need a partner in crime!

  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger Maureen said…

    Looks like you all had a great time.

  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger Jennifer Y. said…

    Thanks for sharing! I wish I could have come. Great prize too!

  • At 6:47 PM, Blogger Pat L. said…

    Another great prize. Count me in.
    Is very cold here in NY - I am freezing.

  • At 8:32 PM, Blogger Cheryl said…

    Any conferences coming to Ohio? :)
    I can do the electric slide. Other than that, two left feet but I have fun. You spoil us with such great prizes!

  • At 7:15 AM, Blogger Anna Destefano said…

    LOL, Cheryl! Nothing in Ohio yet, but I am scheduled to be in Wisconson next June--for the Wisconson RWA conference.

    Oh, Project Runway!!! Thatbrunette, I won't forget...next post for sure... But I must warn you, I'm not a Jeffrey fan =:<

    Pat, I hear you about the weather turning cold...even here in the South. Was just in NJ, and it hadn't turned chilly yet. Lucky me ;o)

    Off to work a bit. Catch everyoone agaid soon!

  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Looks like a great prize and the reader luncheon looks like a lot of fun.
    I've missed the last few episodes of Project Runway, but I like Michael & Uli (?)'s designs.
    Not a Jeffrey fan either.

  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger Carol M said…

    It looks like you all had a wonderful time! I also wish a reader luncheon would be held in Pittsburgh! I would love to attend one of these and meet my favorite authors!

  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger Dena said…

    Wow great prizes Anna. It looks like everyone had a good time at the luncheons.

  • At 5:31 PM, Blogger Mariee said…

    Great pictures, looks like alot of fun :) Very nice prize also!


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